salman khan ki girlfriend ka kya naam hai
Sanlman khan and her girlfriend latest news 2019 Bollywood's Bhaijaan Salman Khan' s film 'Bharat' is raging at the box office these days and doing very good business world wide. Like you all would know that yesterday was Father's Day. On this occasion, Salman Khan's brother Sohail Khan had a party at his house. Where many Bollywood stars were invited. Meanwhile, Salman Khan was seen sitting in the car with his girlfriend Yulia Vantur and the media spotted him. These Are 1 Girlfriend Of Bollywood Star Salman Khan 2019-2020, You can see in these pictures that Dabangg Salman Khan is seen in his lucky shirt in blue color, then the same Yulia Vantur is also seen right behind him, who is his alleged girlfriend. However, Salman Khan never admitted that he was in a relationship with him. Let me tell you that Yulia is very much made up between Vantur and Salman Khan's entire family. Many times she has reached abroad with the Khan family. Be it Ei...